Comparing Wired and Wireless Security Camera Systems

September 01, 2021

Comparing Wired and Wireless Security Camera Systems

If you're looking to install a security camera system, you're probably faced with the decision to go wired or wireless. There are pros and cons to both, so we've put together a comparison of the two to help you decide which one is right for you.

Wired Security Camera Systems


  • More reliable. Wired systems are less likely to experience interference and signal loss.
  • Greater video quality. Because the connection is direct, wired systems can transmit higher-quality video than wireless systems.
  • Can cover larger areas. Wired systems can cover longer distances than wireless systems, so they're better for large properties or businesses.


  • Difficult to install. Wired security cameras require professional installation, which can be costly.
  • Limited placement options. Since they have to be connected directly to the system, wired cameras can only be placed in certain locations.
  • Susceptible to power outages. Wired cameras require a power source, so if the power goes out, so does your surveillance.

Wireless Security Camera Systems


  • Easy to install. Wireless cameras can be installed without professional help, making them a cost-effective option.
  • More placement options. Because they're not tethered to the system, wireless cameras can be placed anywhere with a power source.
  • Less expensive. Because they don't require professional installation, wireless cameras tend to be less expensive than wired systems.


  • Less reliable. Wireless cameras can experience interference from other wireless devices, which can cause signal loss and video quality issues.
  • Lower quality video. Because they're not directly connected to the system, wireless cameras may not transmit video with the same level of quality as wired systems.
  • Smaller coverage area. Wireless cameras are limited in how far they can transmit video, making them best suited for small homes or businesses.

Ultimately, the decision to go wired or wireless comes down to your needs and budget. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to carefully consider the factors that matter most to you.


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